If you; 1. Eat Tacos and 2. Like $100k – Your Dream Job has arrived! Mccormick are recruiting for a Director of Taco Relations and it sounds absolutely AMAZING.
We're so excited about this job so we're going to cut to the chase and tell you the important bits:
Interested parties don't need to be Taco experts however 'a deep appreciation for all things tacos is required'. Ok, that seems fairly reasonable! Once that pretty low hurdle has been cleared, applicants will need to submit a video application (*reaches for smartphone and starts recording immediately) and, as McCormick explain, “highlight why they deserve the chance to be the first ever Director of Taco Relations. Applicants should share their best taco tidbits, including but not limited to their go-to and unique taco recipes, taco-themed trivia and knowledge, and any additional experiences, qualifications and skill sets they want to provide”.
This is such a cool dream job we were reluctant to share it with you as we wanted it ourselves but then we realized our dream job is telling people about dream jobs so we had to write about it instead.
The ONLY real drawback with this 'job' is that it isn't a permanent role. You'll only get to do it for four months – however let us remind ourselves that for each of those months you'll be compensated with the not insignificant sum of $25,000 (and presumably lots of free tacos).
If you're interested (and quite frankly if you're on this website you should be), visit the McCormick website here for full details or click here for their press release with further details. We look forward to watching the winning video.