A dream job opportunity for social media content creators - travel the USA with Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey
North America
Oscar Mayer are back with one of America's best dream jobs - the opportunity to drive the Wienermobile across America for 12 months.
Dream Job Vacancy With Siggi's - $50k to Live in Iceland and Experience the 4-day Work Week. Become their Chief Simplicity Offi-skyr!
Dream Job Vacancy With Proper 12 Whiskey Reporting to Conor McGregor - Become An Ambassador For The Whiskey Brand Conor Founded.
This dream job vacancy will pay someone $12k to grow a mullet PLUS a $5k bonus if the mullet is kept after the one-year contract!
Dream Job - £50k to Binge on Netflix - offered by Lens Store. Is this one of the coolest dream jobs ever?
Dream Job Alert - Chief Pizza Officer with Yelp. The coolest job for pizza fans - $25k for 6 months to share your love of pizza with the Yelp community.
Dream Job Alert - Drive the Nutmobile Across America. Planters need to find college graduates to drive their iconic, 26ft long Nutmobile.
Dream Job Vacancy - Ranger at the new MTN DEW Outpost in Tennessee. A unique dream job - short term but with great rewards.