Dream Job Vacancy in Scotland. Live-in role at the UK's Most Remote Restaurant (with rooms). Part of UK's highest railway station.
Short term
8 posts
Dream Job Alert - Walk Along Beaches on Beautiful Scottish Island. For 4 months, get paid £9,333 to be a Visitor Management Ranger on South Uist, Outer Hebrides
Dream Job Alert - Chief Pizza Officer with Yelp. The coolest job for pizza fans - $25k for 6 months to share your love of pizza with the Yelp community.
Dream Job Vacancy - Ranger at the new MTN DEW Outpost in Tennessee. A unique dream job - short term but with great rewards.
Dream Job Vacancy - Chief of Adventure with Uncharted Society/BRP. Travel and explore the U.S. for 6 months
If you love travelling, Royal Caribbean Cruises have the perfect dream job as #ShoreHunter (official title - Global Experience Hunter).