If you want to hit the ground running in 2022, this dream job alert is for you. Insuranks are offering one lucky applicant the opportunity to travel the world for 12 months for free (total package value $85k).
In order to test a number of business, international car and travel insurance packages offered by the insurers on their online insurance comparison marketplace, the company have come to the conclusion that the best way to do this is by sending someone (potentially you) on a 12-month adventure. If you're able to meet the pretty low bar they've set for applicants (see below) and have an Instagram account, you're part way there already.
In return for sending you jetsetting around the world to 'take in the sights of the Sydney Opera House or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, climb the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, take a safari in Africa and be amazed at the Northern Lights in Iceland', Insuranks will require the successful applicant to 'take plenty of photos, a daily video diary and blog for us on your experiences; the countries, the cultures, the food & drink, the accommodation, the car hire and – of course – how you found our insurance packages'.
A Dream Travel Job
If you land this dream travel job, you'll receive the following every month for the duration of the 12-month contract (total value $85k);
· Return flights – up to $2,000 / £1,500
· Accommodation fees – $3,000 / £2,000
· Food and drink allowance – $600 / £450
· Activity allowance – $1,000 / £750
· Vehicle hire – $500 / £350
· International car insurance
· Travel insurance
· Business insurance
If you're 18 or over, have an Instagram account and are 'verbal, charismatic, creative, healthy, athletic (enough to climb, run and jump for various experiences) and have a great sense of humor', you can apply by following Insuranks instructions below AND completing the [very short] dream job application form here.
Create a video introducing yourself to us and explaining why you should win the Insuranks Dream Job! The video should be no longer than 60 seconds, starting with: “My name is (YOURNAME) from (CITY/TOWN) and this is my Insuranks Dream Job Challenge video!”, ending with: “I now challenge (FRIENDNAME)” and post it on your Instagram grid, tagging @insurankscom and the friend you challenged and use the following hashtags: #Insuranks #DreamJobChallenge
Best of luck to those who enter and, as always, if you're the successful applicant get in touch with us – we'd love to hear about the practicalities of living the dream job lifestyle.