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Dream Job - Slipper Tester with Bedroom Athletics lrg

Dream Job – Slipper Tester, Bedroom Athletics

Never have so many slippers been worn by so many people.  With entire populations confined to their homes by Covid-related lockdowns, we're going to officially crown 2020 'The Year of the Slipper'.  


No doubt a few of those pairs of slippers have been sold by Wales-based Bedroom Athletics so the company is making the most of these slipper-intensive times by offering not one but two dream jobs of part-time 'slipper tester' (one male, one female).  If only it could be full time (!) however the role does appear to be for the whole of 2021 so that's a bonus in itself as numerous dream jobs are 6 month contracts (or sometimes less).  In return for twelve arduous hours of slipper testing per day for two days per month, the successful applicants will receive £333 per month (equivalent to £40k per year – pro-rata).  


If you're excited at this stage, we need to add a caveat;  you will also be required to multi-task as the company will send you dressing gowns and homewares to test out too.  If this all sounds bearable to you, please click here to view the details of this vacancy on the company's website.


p.s. The closing date is 31st January 2021 so hurry up!